Featured Photographer – Saurav Biswas

1. Tell us a bit about the image?
This portrait was taken during last winter at Kolkata, India. She is a 78 years old footpath dweller and works as a garbage collector. She lost her husband as well as her child at a very early age. He had to face lots of mental as well as physical torture during her whole journey. She is now alone and homeless as well.

2. What inspired you to take the shot?
Actually I am a Humanitarian Documentary Photography lover, I like to do conversation with those people who have nothing. Actually the cruel reality of our country is so harsh. I always try to feel the pathetic pain of those people, these literally helps me to learn a lot from them, their story inspires me a lot, every day to click.

3. What gear did you use for the shot including lighting?
I used Canon 700D with 50mm f1.8 lens to click this portrait, and in terms of lighting condition, I always prefer to shoot in natural light.

4. Tell us about the editing process?
I used Photoshop CC 2018 on PC to edit this portrait. Actually this is a long process of editing which is very difficult to describe in few words. But I can tell you that always I concentrate on the details in terms of portrait editing. According to my preference details of face texture, eyes and emotion should be the priority for any Street Portrait editing.

5. How does this piece reflect you as an artist?
Actually I don’t want to be an artist, I always want to be a friend. I always try to make them comfortable, as a smily face is enough for me to describe myself as an Artist. Artist is just a word for me, I am always trying to be a good human being. As humanity is the first step to be an artist for me.


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