Model Focus

Breaking Down How to Pose Models

A very common question that I encounter when discussing portraiture is “How do I pose a model?” It seems that many photographers struggle with posing models when they are in the early stages of their portraiture journey. This is important because you want to avoid saying things like, “Sorry, I’m so bad at telling people what…

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Environmental Portraits – Tips & Tricks

One of my favourite types of portraits to shoot is environmental portraits. To give you a bit of an understanding of what environmental portraits is, it is shooting a subject Usual environment, such as in their home, workplace or where the environment is also the main focus of an image. Typically illuminates the subject’s life…

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A question that has always been asked on social media is what gear do you recommend for weddings and why? In today’s blog, I decided to write about the gear I use and why I use them for weddings. I recently did a blog on Preparations to shoot a Wedding. If you haven’t yet make…

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Preparations to shoot a Wedding

Capturing weddings can be the most stressful but fun thing to shoot. But for me, I absolutely love shooting weddings because I am able to capture those special and unique moments for my clients. Just seeing the smile on their faces when I hand the images over to them for viewing is priceless The key…

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Experimenting with Portrait Focal Lengths – 24mm vs 85mm

When shooting portraits, the focal length of your lens has a lot of influence on the final result. It’s very common to hear a lot of discussion surrounding 85mm, 100mm, and 70-200mm lenses, as these are the most common focal lengths used for “traditional” portrait photography. However, there really is no right or wrong answer…

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Capturing a Self-Portrait – Tips & Tricks

In this article, I will be talking to you about how to capture some good self-portraits. The benefits of this are two-fold. Firstly, you get a fun picture of yourself! But secondly, and more importantly, it can be a great learning experience because it presents an opportunity for you to experiment with and learn about…

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A Model’s Perspective on Media Theft

This blog post is not meant to be a rant of sorts, rather a look into what happens every day in the industry.  My hope is to open the eyes of models starting out and give a perspective to the people on the other side of the camera.  I hope to promote a business model…

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The TFP Epidemic

You may have noticed a trend in the world of modeling.  Some people have spoken out about it, others stay silent.  I think there is something crucial here that needs to be said.  Something that needs to not only spark a conversation, but a change. It’s time to speak out about the epidemic of TFP…

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Fashion Predictions for 2019

With the new year just around the corner everyone is frantically making their resolutions, checking their horoscope, and…updating their closet?  If you’re in the fashion industry, it’s very likely you have or are looking to do so.  But what trends are around the corner in 2019? What are some things we can expect to remain…

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The Deterioration of Modeling

If you judge my articles by their title you have probably already formed some strong opinions about this one. Models are becoming more diverse in size, shape, age, and everything in between. The plus-size market is stronger than ever and models with Downs Syndrome are walking runways in New York Fashion Week.  There are models…

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