Featured Photographer – Grace Almera Dela Peña

Tell us a bit about the image?

This image is a part of a series/project that I am doing called “Coffee Break”. It as a series where I take photos of models/people whom I have worked with before and new faces who reached out to me at some point for a collaboration.

What inspired you to take the shot?

I started doing this series last year when I wanted to do something new with my photography. Normally I create fantasy themed images, where a lot of planning and a creative team is involved, in contrast to “Coffee Break”, where it only takes around 15 minutes per session to take and the rest of the time, I get to spend with the model/person that I have taken photos of. I get to know them in a more personal level and for the ones I have worked with before, I get to catch up with them and plan future photoshoots as well.

What gear did you use for the shot including lighting?

This photo along with the other images from my “Coffee Break” series was taken with ambient light. I used my Canon 5D MIV + Canon 50mm 1.4 lens.

Tell us about the editing process?

For editing. I always start with cleaning the skin. I use frequency separation to clean the skin followed with dodging and burning. Afterwards, I move on to adjustments. I used curves, hue/saturation and colour balance a lot to tone the image. Since the name of the series is “Coffee Break”, I wanted the toning to reflect that title. Therefore, I opted for brown and caramel tones. The colour of Latte, which the model was drinking.

How does this piece reflect you as an artist

As I have mentioned earlier, I started creating this kind of image because I wanted to try something different. Normally, when I shoot editorials or fine art images, I do not really get to spend a lot of time talking or getting to know the models that I am taking photos of. This way I am not only trying something new, I am also getting to know new people and hear their stories.

Social Media:

Personal Website: https://www.gracealmera.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracealmeraphotography/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/gracealmeraphotography/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/gracealmeraphotography

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gracealmeradk

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