Fairy-tale Presets

Here are 5 custom presets from my most popular image Red Riding hood

All presets can be altered to fit your images, but these give you a great way of starting out with a new look for your images!

Compatible with Lightroom 4, 5, 6, Creative Cloud versions
Compatible with both a Mac and PC
Works on RAW and JPEG images (Note: JPEG images will have a different look, as these presets are all created based on RAW images and not the final processed images of a JPEG file)
Can be easily adjusted to fit your image
Installation Instructions are included
Product is a digital download available immediately after purchase

1. Download presets.
2. Locate your files.
3. Open Lightroom.
4. If you’re using a Mac, locate the top menu bar and navigate to Lightroom Preferences. In Windows, you will navigate to Edit Preferences.
5. When the Preferences box appears, select the Presets tab.
6. Click on the button labeled “Show Lightroom Presets Folder…”
7. A new Finder window (Mac) or Explorer window (Windows) will appear. Open the Lightroom folder, then open the Develop Presets folder.
8. Copy and paste presets into this folder.
9. Restart Lightroom. You will find your new presets located in the Develop Module under the Presets section, along the left side of the screen.